Pro Bono Appeal at the Fifth District Court of Appeal

Bartram Lawyers Hunter Malin, Michael Alex Wasylik, and Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik.
Earlier this week, Michael Alex Wasylik argued a pro bono appeal before the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Daytona. I acted as pro bono co-counsel — I co-wrote the brief with Mike, and more importantly, helped him prepare for the rigorous oral argument before Judges Sawaya, Orfinger, and Evander. At stake is the application of the five year statute of limitations in foreclosure actions after a bank accelerates the note, and then sits on its rights. This photo was taken after the argument, and also pictured is Hunter Malin, counsel for the homeowner’s association, who also argued briefly as an appellee. The case is U.S. Bank v. Bartram, 5D12-3823. We’ll be keeping an eye out for the court’s decision in the coming weeks.