PayPal Account Frozen and Online Store Shut Down for Infringement – Now What?
In their latest efforts to combat coppyright or trademark infringement, foreign content creators have been filing a rash of complaints in the Southern District of Florida to obtain a temporary restraining order (TRO) seizing and freezing online seller's PayPal, Square, and other payment platform accounts and online stores through such platforms as Etsy, eBay, Bonanza, Amazon, Wish, and more. If you've had your online store shut down and seized and are the subject of a Federal lawsuit, don't just ignore it. Here's some suggestions on how to handle having your online store shut down by claims of copyright or trademark infringement.

Why Canadian Creators Should Register Copyrights in the United States
If you are a Canadian author, you should consider investing in a United States copyright registration. Why? The short answer is damages and attorney's fees.

TRADEMARK SCAM: Fraudulent Mailings Stating Pending Trademark Cancellation by USPTO
Trademark scam alert! Why do we never charge clients to review mail solicitations they receive? Because the scams sent out by trademark scammers are tricky and scary. We can't emphasize enough -- never pay any trademark fees to anyone other than us without checking with us first!

Serving the Bar at the 2018 Annual Convention
A recap of Jared and Dineen's Appellate Practice Section activities and Dineen's Business Law Section activities at the 2018 Florida Bar Annual Meeting.

Use a Trademark Lawyer Rather than LegalZoom or Trademarkia for Your Trademark Registration
It's important to use a trademark lawyer rather than a DIY…

New Federal Trade Secrets Act Has Immediate Business Impact
Last week, the president signed S. 1890, the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 into law, and for the first time trade secrets law has a Federal angle.

Dineen to Teach Two CLEs
The Hillsborough County Bar is presenting two great upcoming Continuing Legal Education events, and Dineen Wasylik will be a featured speaker at each one.

Supreme Court to Address Copyright Attorney’s Fees
The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to once again consider the proper standard for awarding attorney's fees in copyright cases.

Wield Online Review Responsibly to Avoid Libel
Anyone who gives or receives reviews should be sure to understand what is and is not actionable as defamation.

Truly Public Domain Images for Marketing and Blogging
The public domain images are not only available for free use, but highly searchable.