Serving the Bar at the 2018 Annual Convention
A recap of Jared and Dineen's Appellate Practice Section activities and Dineen's Business Law Section activities at the 2018 Florida Bar Annual Meeting.

Join Jared at the HCBA Appellate Section CLE
Our own Jared Krukar has put together a fabulous slate for next…

Meet in the Middle Mixer
Please be sure to join the Women Lawyers of Pasco for this month's…

Wasylik Selected to Serve on Women Lawyers of Pasco Board
Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik has been elected to serve as the Central Pasco Director on the Women Lawyers of Pasco Board.

Don’t Miss the January 7, 2014 HCBA Appellate Luncheon!
Don't wait -- RSVP today for the Hillsborough County Bar Association's Appellate Section Luncheon at Noon on Tuesday January 7, 2014.

Are You At #BLSBoca?
As Vice Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Florida Bar Business Law Center, it's pretty much a given that I will attend the Florida Bar Business Law Section's annual retreat.