Serving the Bar at the 2018 Annual Convention
A recap of Jared and Dineen's Appellate Practice Section activities and Dineen's Business Law Section activities at the 2018 Florida Bar Annual Meeting.

Join Jared at the HCBA Appellate Section CLE
Our own Jared Krukar has put together a fabulous slate for next…

Dineen to Teach Two CLEs
The Hillsborough County Bar is presenting two great upcoming Continuing Legal Education events, and Dineen Wasylik will be a featured speaker at each one.

Supreme Court to Address Copyright Attorney’s Fees
The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to once again consider the proper standard for awarding attorney's fees in copyright cases.

IP Year in Review: The Problem With Writing Your Own License Agreements
In a decision that misstates one of the basic tenets of copyright law, the Eleventh Circuit this year held that the artist's copyright infringement action failed because he had granted, by his course of actions, an implied nonexclusive license to the defendant to use his works.

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Defendant’s Copyright Fees Claim Against Copyright Troll Malibu Media
Malibu Media dodged a bullet and will not have to face the U.S. Supreme Court over its vexatious litigation tactics -- for now.

Mentoring 30,000 Lawyers on Appellate Practice
I was honored to be asked to write the mentoring column in a recent appellate practice-themed issue of the American Bar Association's GP Solo magazine.

Pro Bono Appeal at the Fifth District Court of Appeal
Earlier this week, Michael Alex Wasylik argued a pro bono appeal before the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Daytona. I acted as pro bono co-counsel...