DPW Legal Latest News

Supreme Court to Address Copyright Attorney’s Fees
The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to once again consider the proper standard for awarding attorney's fees in copyright cases.

Wield Online Review Responsibly to Avoid Libel
Anyone who gives or receives reviews should be sure to understand what is and is not actionable as defamation.

Truly Public Domain Images for Marketing and Blogging
The public domain images are not only available for free use, but highly searchable.

IP Year in Review: The Problem With Writing Your Own License Agreements
In a decision that misstates one of the basic tenets of copyright law, the Eleventh Circuit this year held that the artist's copyright infringement action failed because he had granted, by his course of actions, an implied nonexclusive license to the defendant to use his works.

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Defendant’s Copyright Fees Claim Against Copyright Troll Malibu Media
Malibu Media dodged a bullet and will not have to face the U.S. Supreme Court over its vexatious litigation tactics -- for now.

Dineen Honored as Rotarian of the Month for Thanksgiving Service Project
Dineen was honored as one of two Rotarians of the Month for November by the Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel- Noon.

Mentoring 30,000 Lawyers on Appellate Practice
I was honored to be asked to write the mentoring column in a recent appellate practice-themed issue of the American Bar Association's GP Solo magazine.

Do You Want to Hear a (Trade) Secret?
Tonight, June 4th, 2015 at 11 pm, I will be on the Half Empty, Half Full Talk Radio Show with Laurie Zook to discuss and explain trade secrets law. Tune in!

Testimony in Opposition to HB 271
On Thursday, I testified before the Florida House of Representatives' House Regulatory Affairs Committee on behalf of the Electronic Frontier Foundation in opposition to CS/HB 271, the True Origin of Digital Goods Act.